Book a ride with Metro Cars

Use our online booking tool below for rides up to 6 passengers. If you need a ride within 3 hours of right now, please call 1-800-456-1701.

If this is your first time booking online, please call 1-800-456-1701 to create a “profile” and establish a website login.

Need us to meet you at baggage claim?

We’re in the process of updating our booking system to allow you to request a baggage claim meet ($25). At the moment, the best way to request this is to enter it in the “additional requests” area of the booking tool or call us at 1-800-456-1701 after you’ve made the reservation and we can add it for you.


Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to clients’ most common inquiries, or call us at 1-800-456-1701 to talk with our 24-hour dispatch center and speak with a customer service representative.